Thursday, July 9, 2009

Days I spent At Temple

Today at Temple we played a game called hands up to words. The game was fun even though i messed up a few times. But hey we all are human. This exercise was for a group so i honestly think we all had fun. I think we all should do it again. We all had a few laughs in this game.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer Tyme in 2009

The summer time is here my skool had gave me a summer assignment to read. I had started the book but i didn't read finish it. So that mean i have to get back on track with my summer assignment. The book i am doing my summer assignment is on the PACT. THe book is actually good. The character been through alot in life. Then now i have my first job (yA ME). The job is ok but i can manage. I have meet new people. Do you know i had to take a test in summer time. Yea i know that is a bummer but as u know life goes on.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Freshman days is hard . I only have problems with man. I think I have test anxiety because i knoe all the material but when i take the test i forget everything. Then I started getting a Headache. But overall high school is so much fun

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


The trip we went to was septa. Septa have a lot of industries inside it. They showed us where the bus get clean and work on. They get pay alot for what they do. The staff really like thier jobs. They is in partnership with a scholarship fund to help put kids through colleges. They brought in their interns to tell us what college is a bout

Monday, July 21, 2008

Tuskegge Airman

The Tuskegge Airmen served in world war 2. In the 1940's there was a myth that black people couldn't fly. The men was legendery because they paved a way for us. I got to actually meet the tuskegge airman. They was trained at very well.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

My historic trip

My historic trip was to the battleship in New Jersey. The boat has nineteen awards for the best service in the wars in the past. The battleship is the most decoarated,biggest. The boat had a barbership, hospital and a laundry room. The captin is the only one on the boat to have room service. The boat is as big has two football fields. They have a lot of ladders to get from piont (A) to point (b). The trip was very excellent I wish we couldv'e stayed longer.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hottest vacation ever

My best vacation is going to be in Alantic City. The reason why I picked because the beds in the hotel is comfortable. They have best room service. I will be leaving on July 22.2008 and comeing back on July 26,2008. The hotel I will be staying is Ceasers hotel and spa. My entire trip will cost 717.00 bucks. My room is going to be a deluxe